Saturday, April 12, 2025 | 7:30 p.m.
Foellinger Great Hall, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
GLINKA: Overture to Ruslan and Lyudmila
MUSSORGSKY: Night on the Bare Mountain (original version)
STRAVINSKY: The Rite of Spring
Stephen Alltop, Music Director and Conductor
East Central Illinois Youth Orchestra, Kevin Kelly, Conductor
The premiere of Igor Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring in 1913 was a seismic event in music history. A composition of revolutionary brilliance and stunning imagination, The Rite of Spring calls for an enormous orchestra. Hearing this inspired work live is a bucket-list wish for many music lovers. An in-depth introduction to The Rite will be presented by Maestro Alltop and CUSO musicians. Complementing Stravinsky’s masterpiece, the concert will open with a lively overture by Mikhail Glinka. CUSO is pleased to welcome the talented young musicians of the East Central Illinois Youth Orchestra for a side-by-side performance of Modest Mussorgsky’s thrilling orchestral poem, Night on the Bare Mountain.
$40 standard/$36 senior/$10 youth, student of any age