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Guild Bylaws


Article I: Name and Statement of Purpose

The name of this organization shall be the Guild of the Champaign-Urbana Symphony (the Symphony Guild). The Symphony Guild is hereby established as an organization whose purpose is to help support the Champaign-Urbana Symphony as it provides cultural and educational musical concerts for the general public in and around the area of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.

Article II: Membership

Section 1. Membership in the Symphony Guild shall be open to any person wishing to aid in the purpose stated.

Section 2. There shall be two classes of members: General and Pro Musica. General members shall pay dues each year with a reduced rate for senior citizens. General members shall be invited to participate actively in the work of the Symphony Guild. Pro Musica members shall pay extra dues each year to support the work of the Symphony Guild and shall not be asked to work on committees.

All members shall feel a primary responsibility toward subscribing to the Champaign-Urbana Symphony. Dues shall be established by the Symphony Guild Board.

Section 3. Dues are payable at the annual spring meeting. Names of members paid by September 1st shall appear in the Symphony Guild yearbook.

Section 4. Each president shall receive one year’s honorary membership in the Symphony Guild for the year following his/her presidency and shall serve on the Symphony Guild Board.

Article III: Officers of the Symphony Guild Board

Section 1. The officers of the Symphony Guild Board to be elected for one fiscal year (July 1 to June 30) shall be: president, vice-president, treasurer, and recording secretary, to serve as the executive committee. Also elected shall be such committee chairpersons as needed to carry out the Symphony Guild’s purpose. There shall be a chairperson for membership with helping chairs of telephoning, directory, newsletter, and mailing; a chairperson for education with helping chairs for In-school Concerts, Young People’s Concerts, Kinderkonzerts, and the scholarship program; a chairperson of ways and means for fund-raising events; a chairperson for programs with helping chairs for preconcert luncheons and for the two general meetings.

Section 2. Appointed officers shall be corresponding secretary, historian, orchestra representative, and the writer of the Young People’s Concerts/Kinderkonzerts teacher’s guide for the participating schools.

Section 3. The Board may fill vacancies to serve until elections.

Section 4. A nominating committee shall consist of the executive committee and at least three others to be appointed by the president.

Section 5. The membership shall be notified in writing of the slate of officers, presented by the nominating committee, at least two weeks prior to the spring general meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor provided that the consent of the nominee has been obtained in advance and notice of such nominations given to the president.

Section 6. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of members at the spring general meeting and shall be installed following the election to serve from July 1 of that year to June 30 of the following year.

Article IV: Meetings

Section 1. The president shall determine the time and place of each meeting of the Symphony Guild Board. There shall be no fewer than four board meetings a year.

Section 2. The president, in cooperation with the chairperson for programs and the helping chairs, shall plan the time and place of the meetings of the general membership. There shall be no fewer than two general meetings a year.

Section 3. The members in attendance at any general meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the meetings of the Symphony Guild in so far as they are applicable and consistent with these bylaws.

Article V: Amendments

These byalws may be amended at any general meeting by majority vote of the members present. Notice of the proposed amendment shall be presented in writing to the Symphony Guild Board which shall make recommendation and notify all the members at least ten days prior to the meeting at which such proposed amendment is to be acted upon.

Article VI: Rapport

The president of the Symphony Guild or his/her representative shall attend meetings of the Champaign-Urbana Symphony Board and report to the Symphony Guild Board.

Revised Fall 1998